Hello! Let me introduce myself.

Hi, Monica Donosso here, the Move B Happy Coach.

It is my dream to help as many children and busy parents as I can to get STRONG and HEALTHY by building a habit for fitness and other healthy practices that include mindfulness for stress management, as well as good nutrition practices. 

I am a working mom as an accountant, a homeschooler and I run my own fitness company! Fitness is my passion, and I love sharing it with kids.  

They say “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I believe with the skills I will teach you, your family can stay fit and healthy no matter how busy you are if you want to. 

My philosophy consists of doing short 15 to 20 minutes workouts daily. This builds the habit for fitness, so you and your kids are less likely to give it up as it becomes second nature. It also offers you far more health benefits than 2 or 3 one-hour sessions during the week.

This program was born out of our pandemic times when I tried to offer my kids physical exercise daily. Before this time I used to teach group fitness classes at local clubs.

When we started doing workouts together we discovered we spent less time on electronics, we connected more as a family and we also learned how to have fun, but at the same time work hard. It kept my family strong and fit during the pandemic.

I wrote a book named 15 Fun Minutes to Strong Kids, How to Build a Lifetime of Fun Movement Habits for Your Kids in 2022 and I released my new fitness program 15 Fun Minutes to Strong Kids together with the Relax program, a stress management program, early this year.

I believe parents have the greatest influence on kids. The habits learned early at home carry kids throughout their lifetime. So even if you don’t work out now or never plan to, or prefer to workout alone, consider facilitating this program for your children so they have a chance to lead a healthy life in today’s sedentary society. I will teach you and your children everything I know about health and fitness, stress management and nutrition.

The program can be used alone, or in conjunction with other sports programs as I know kids love to be with other kids in person. In fact it will better prepare your children to play sport or do other physical activities they are interested in such as martial arts, dance, gymnastics, etc., but the habits learned in this program will stay with them FOREVER.

It will also keep you, the parents strong and healthy, so you can do all the physical things you love to do with them for a long time to come.

Here is where you can find me and where I create all of my programs!

Move B Happy, LLC

1317 Edgewater Drive, Suite 1521

Orlando, FL 32804


(813) 419-0528