How Should You Prepare Your Child for Team Sports and Possible Athletic Scholarships
The 5 pillars of fitness will give your child the basis they need to be prepared for team sports.
Team sports are not for every child out there. Some kids don’t even enjoy playing sports. They might be more into gymnastics, martial arts, or dance.
But if they do enjoy sports and they are interested in being on a professional sports team, then you will want to prepare them for it.
Team sports are not recommended for little kids as they can get bored and sustain injuries, but daily movement and physical literacy is recommended for all kids.
The 5 pillars of fitness – balance, cardio, strength, speed and agility, and flexibility are important components of overall physical fitness, and the earlier they are taught the better it is for your child’s physical and brain development.
At Move B Happy we teach all of these 5 pillars to children. Here’s why:
1) Balance is important in the prevention of injuries. Improving balance will have effects on coordination and stability.
2) Cardiovascular endurance is important for prolonged periods of physical activity. Developing cardio fitness can help kids have more endurance and stamina on the field of court.
3) Strength training is important in developing strong muscles and bones needed for sports. It will help improve power and thus help the child be more competitive in sports.
4) Speed and Agility are important in any sport as training for these skills develops quick movements and direction changes.
5) Flexibility and mobility are important for the maintenance or development of full range of motion in the joints, which in turn will prevent injuries.
If you want to prepare your child for team sports and possible athletic scholarships in the future check out our Courses section of the website to learn more about the 5 Pillars of fitness and how to start preparing them while young.

Monica Donosso is a mom and fitness coach based in Florida. She loves to inspire families to a healthy lifestyle of movement, mindful practices and good nutrition habits.