How knowing how to eat and read labels can help our children stay healthy!

Sugar is hidden in many ready-made foods. Check labels carefully!

A real danger to our health and especially for our kids is the amount of sugar hidden in ready-made or processed foods.

Sugar can disturb the balance in our gut bacteria, it can make us insulin resistant (a condition where glucose can’t enter the cells as easily, building up in the bloodstream – this is the precursor to diabetes), and it can make us prone to heart disease by increasing our level of triglycerides, a type of fat found in our bloodstream, give us tooth decay, and not to mention weight gain.

A systematic review of 88 studies found that higher sugar intake was associated with increased body weight and body fat (Te Morenga et al., 2013).

When you purchase ready made foods, always check labels for the amounts of sugar found in products.

At Move B Happy we educate children on how to eat healthy and exercise for a bright future.

Sugar can be hidden in many different forms such as: high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, fructose, dextrose, maltose, dextrose, raw sugar, cane sugar, confectionary sugar, brown sugar, etc.

Foods high in sugar content are: breads, yogurts, cereals, pasta sauces, ketchup, granola bars, fruit-flavored instant oatmeal, salad dressings, packaged fruits, sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices (especially concentrated ones), etc.

It is not easy to avoid sugar in processed foods.

That is why eating foods closest in form to the way they came from the ground, such as fresh fruits and vegetables is always best.

So cooking at home is always the best alternative to buying ready-made foods.

As far as beverages go, water is always the best one. You can change its taste with a slice of orange or lemon if your child doesn’t like to drink plain water.

It is important to educate our kids about the detriment sugar and especially hidden sugar has on our bodies.

And for an added health benefit check out our Courses 15 Fun Minutes to Strong Kids and learn more about the Strong Kids Program, which will teach your kids more about healthy lifetime habits.

Monica Donosso is a mom and fitness coach based in Florida. She loves to inspire families to a healthy lifestyle of movement, mindful practices and good nutrition habits.


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